The word pork comes from the Latin porcine. One of the earliest animals to be tamed, hogs were first domesticated around 6000 to 7000BC. Early European explorer, Hernando de Soto, brought hogs with him to the New World and released these animals into wild to allow food for settlers coming later. Pork is a staple meat in many nations. Pound for pound it is the highest consumed meat in the world. China is the world’s largest pork producer, followed by USA, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Poland, Japan, South Korea, Philippines and Mexico. The pork spare ribs are the rib cage that coincides with the pork belly cut. Often known as belly or rack ribs, they are wider and generally meatier. These are often known as St. Louis Ribs too. Char Grilled Pork Spareribs with Apple Sauce, Creamed Potato, Petit Pois A La Flamande, Bouquetiere of Beans

5 years ago