Christmas cake is an English convention that started as plum porridge. Individuals ate the porridge on Christmas Eve, utilizing it to line their stomachs following multi day of fasting. Before long dried natural product, flavours and nectar were added to the porridge blend, and in the end, it transformed into Christmas pudding. In the sixteenth century, oats were expelled from the first formula, and margarine, wheat flour and eggs were included. These fixings helped hold the blend together, bringing about a bubbled plum cake. More extravagant families with stoves started making nutty surprises with marzipan, an almond sugar glue, for Easter. For Christmas, they made a comparable cake utilizing occasional dried foods grown from the ground. The flavours spoke to the colourful eastern flavours brought by the Wise Men. This cake ended up known as ‘Christmas cake’.

Christmas cakes are made a wide range of ways, however for the most part they are minor departure from great nutty delight. They can be light, dark, moist, dry, heavy, spongy, leavened, unleavened, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. They are made in a wide range of shapes, with icing, coating, a tidying of confectioner’s sugar or plain. The customary Scottish Christmas cake, otherwise called the Whisky Dundee, is extremely well known. It is a light brittle cake with currants, raisins, fruits and Scotch whisky. Different kinds of Christmas cakes incorporate an apple crème cake and a mincemeat cake. The apple crème cake is made with apples, other natural product, raisins, eggs, cream cheddar and whipping cream. The mincemeat cake is made with conventional mincemeat or veggie lover mincemeat, flour, eggs, and so on. It can likewise be steamed as a Christmas pudding.

The trap with an extraordinary Christmas cake is in the timing. All Christmas cakes are made ahead of time. Many make them in November, holding the cake upside down in a air proof holder. A little measure of cognac, sherry or whisky is filled openings in the cake each week until Christmas. This procedure is called ‘feeding’ the cake.

In Japan, Christmas cake is a frosted sponge cake with strawberries, chocolates or occasional organic product. In the Philippines, Christmas cake is a yellow pound cake with nuts or the customary British nutty cake. The two cakes are absorbed brandy or rum, a palm sugar syrup and water. Rosewater or orange bloom water is normally included.

In the event that cake-production isn’t your thing or you’ve come up short on time this Christmas, you can in any case appreciate some homestyle goodness with a Christmas cake.

Looking further into the history of Christmas cakes or the Twelfth Night Cake (a cake cut on the twelfth and final day of Christmas), it’s surprising that what we know as a delicious fruit pudding or fruit cake was not always so. Delicious? Perhaps. The recipe has made some radical changes from its very humble beginnings.

Looking further into the historical backdrop of Christmas cakes or the Twelfth Night Cake (a cake cut on the twelfth and last day of Christmas), it’s astonishing that what we know as a heavenly fruit pudding or fruity cake was not generally so. The formula has rolled out some extreme improvements from its exceptionally modest beginnings.

A 1707 recipe written on a typical Christmas pottery reads:

“Take of Beef-soup made of Legs of Beef, 12 Quarts; if you wish it to be particularly good, add a couple of Tongues to be boil’d therein.

Put fine Bread, slic’d, soak’d, and crumbled; Raisins of the Sun, Currants and Pruants two Lbs. of each; Lemons, Nutmegs, Mace and Cleaves are to be boil’d with it in a muslin Bag; add a Quart of Red Wine and let this be follow’d, after half an Hour’s boyling, by a Pint of Sack.

Put it into a cool Place and it will keep through”. (Collection from Geonoa Library – Pottery Section)

Very different to what we know today!

Christmas cakes turned into a blend of all the best things from the storeroom: dried fruits, colourful flavours, all around matured spirits. Despite the distinctive hands that blended it, the varieties in formula and garnishes, they are every one of a portrayal of Christmas cake.

Your Christmas cake this year is a piece of this fabulous custom, a convention that started as a basic meat porridge cooked over a fire, with a tad of sweetness to make the day unique. When you chomp into your nutty surprise this Christmas, appreciate its history as you make the most of its sweet, rich taste.


5 years ago